Human readable date in history

Add into /etc/skel/.bashrc the following line before starting with the creation of any users on a new system.

export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%d.%m.%Y %T "

After this, your history lines will look like this:

[root@plaun-test42 ~]# history

1018 19.12.2020 08:45:01 groupadd -g 7000 paul
1019 19.12.2020 08:46:01 useradd -u 7000 -g 7000 -c 'Paul from IT dept' --create-home --shell /bin/bash paul
1020 19.12.2020 08:47:01 passwd paul

Another possibility would be to create a file like in /etc/profile.d and put the following text into it:

[root@plaun-test42 ~]# cat /etc/profile.d/
